The HR-XSL Helper Script

HR-XSL supplies an Ant script that offers a convenient way of using the stylesheets. Located in the util directory, it is designed to be used in conjunction with your own Ant scripts. You simply import the hr-xsl.xml script and call the pre-defined macros, as shown in Example 3.1, “Using the Ant helper script”.

Example 3.1. Using the Ant helper script

<project default="all">

    <property file=""/>
    <import file="../../util/hr-xsl.xml"/>

    <target name="all" depends="html, pdf, text"/>

    <target name="html">
        <resume-to-html in="cv.xml"/>

    <target name="pdf">
        <resume-to-pdf in="cv.xml"/>

    <target name="text">
        <resume-to-text in="cv.xml"/>
